For over a century, Foxboro has stood as a beacon of innovation. Setting the industry…

Why Choose Remanufactured Instrumentation?
If you’re looking for new instrumentation for your business or factory, consider the purchase of newly remanufactured equipment. When replacing old instrumentation with new parts and products, there are several benefits to purchasing remanufactured equipment instead. For example:
New parts are often more expensive. A new part may not function as you are used to and require specialized installation. If you need replacement parts, then it’s likely that the price will be higher than replacing a part on a remanufactured piece. And to allay any fears you might have about safety, rebuilt instruments often come with warranties, just like new instruments, that protect users from financial loss due to defects or malfunctions!
Why Choose Remanufactured Instrumentation?
Remanufactured instrumentation offers several benefits, including:
- Cost savings. Remanufacturing saves almost 50% over the new/original cost.
- Reusable components mean you don’t have to pay for new ones every time you need a repair. In addition, since remanufacturing involves less material than manufacturing new parts, it costs less overall.
- Better quality and performance. Because the remade instruments use only the highest-quality materials in accordance with strict specifications and production standards, they’re often better than their original counterparts were when first built–and sometimes even better than brand-new ones!
- Environmental friendliness. Remanufacturing makes good use of resources by keeping them out of landfills; it also helps reduce pollution by reducing waste streams (since fewer manufacturers are creating more products).
Remanufacturing Process for Control Valves and Transmitters.
The remanufacturing process for Control Valves and Transmitters is the process of repairing or rebuilding an instrument to restore its integrity, functionality, and performance. The remanufactured products are made from new parts manufactured from scratch and recycled parts taken from other instruments that are no longer used. This process involves:
- Disassembling the product
- Cleaning the parts and housing
- Replacing worn-out components with new or re-used ones
- Reassembling them back into a fully functional unit.
- Testing
- Final fit and finish. A remanufactured part from Cascade Automation always looks good as new!
In addition to restoring your product’s original condition, this process can also reduce waste by recycling used materials instead of discarding them altogether when they’re no longer needed by manufacturers or end users alike!
Testing of Remanufactured Control Valves and Transmitters.
When you purchase a remanufactured instrumentation product, it’s important to know that the product has been tested to ensure that it meets all of its original specifications. In addition to ensuring quality control over parts and labor, this extra step provides peace of mind because you know exactly what you’re getting when you buy remanufactured instrumentation from us here at Cascade Automation.
Testing includes:
- Seat leakage tests to ANSI standards.
- Hydrostatic tests on control valves to check their dimensions and structural stability.
- Positive materials identification tests to determine the quality of metals and alloys and their suitability for certain solvents, corrosive elements, acids, and such.
- Ultrasonic testing to assess wall thickness
In conclusion, remanufactured instrumentation is an excellent option for anyone looking for high-quality instruments at an affordable price. You don’t have to sacrifice quality or performance when choosing remanufactured products. Call or Contact us today for your next refurbished instrument!